Tackling Hate in Australia: Stocktake Report 2019-2020

Check out this new stocktake report on Tackling Hate in Australia published by the Centre for Inclusive and Resilient Societies.


Key highlights include:

1- this is the first attempt to scope all organisations working on tackling hate in Australia using an innovative conceptual framework and search strategy that looks at all forms of hate (e.g., racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.). We found 222 organisations currently operating in Australia.

2- Most organisations working on tackling hate are non-governmental (78.8%). Most organisations (especially government organisations) focus on education and raising awareness (76.6%). We need more efforts on hate victims support and hate incidents data collection.

3- Comparatively, Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia are the states with the least organisations (per million people) working on tackling hate.

4- We found comparatively more organisations focusing on racial and religious hate, than other forms of hate (e.g., ableism, homophobia, transphobia). This demonstrates the need to develop parallel activities to also tackle other forms of hate, such as anti-LGBTIQ+ hate, ableism, ageism and other forms.

5- The language used to qualify hate is fragmented and disconnected, which causes confusion among communities and all stakeholders. We strongly recommend to work towards establishing common definitions and legislation on hate crime.

6- Efforts in all areas, including awareness raising and education, victim support and data collection, need to be harmonised and coordinated in order to be more effective.

The full report can be found here.