New systematic review: mapping the scientific knowledge and approaches to defining and measuring hate crime, hate speech, and hate incidents

Check out this ground-breaking new systematic review aiming to map the definitions and measurement tools used to capture the whole spectrum of hate motivated behaviors, including hate crime and hate speech. At the moment, the research team has published the review protocol. The final results are expected for early 2023.

Mapping definitions and measurement tools is a necessary step to understand the real magnitude of hate crime and hate speech across contexts, improve evaluation of policies and programs, establish legal standards, raise awareness and train practitioners consistently, raise the quality of research.

The review looks at the whole spectrum of hate above and below the criminal threshold, including community-specific types of hate such as hate against racial and ethnic identities (e.g. racism, xenophobia), religious identities (e.g. antisemitism, Islamophobia), gender identity (e.g. sexism, transphobia, misogyny), disability (ableism, disablist violence), occupation identity (e.g. anti-abortion violence).

Some of the questions addressed in the review are: What are the concepts, parameters and criteria that qualify a behavior as being hate crime, hate incident or hate speech? How are definitions operationalised to measure hate crimes, hate speech, and hate incidents?

The project team includes: Matteo Vergani, Barbara Perry, Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak, Ryan Scrivens, Rouven Link.