
7 September 2022.

I gruppi della destra estrema sono una minaccia in crescita nel Victoria e non solo. SBS Italian podcast and article.

This article and podcast in Italian language discusses the growth of far-right groups and the danger that they pose to Victoria and Australia.

24 November 2021.

Dimostrazioni anti-vaccino a Melbourne. Il ruolo dell’estrema destra. SBS Italian podcast and article.

This article and podcast in Italian language discusses the role of the far-right within the anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne and its potential to threaten democracy in Australia.

28 August 2021.

Chi ha partecipato alla marcia anti-lockdown di Melbourne? SBS Italian podcast and article.

This article and podcast in Italian language discusses the far-right influences within the anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne.

5 April 2021.

Tackling antisemitism in Australia. ABC Radio Melbourne podcast.

Dr Matteo Vergani was interviewed by Mary Gearin on ABC Radio Melbourne, discussing his work in predicting antisemitic hate incidents.

19 March 2021.

Smantellata una rete di spie in Australia. SBS Italian podcast and article.

Mike Burgess, direttore generale dell’ASIO (i servizi segreti australiani), ha annunciato nell’ambito del suo Annual Threat Assessment che nel 2020 l’agenzia ha scoperto un numero significativo di spie straniere in Australia. Burgess ha anche annunciato la decisione dell’ASIO di cambiare il linguaggio con cui si riferisce al terrorismo, eliminando la dicitura “terrorismo islamico” ma anche quelle come “estremismo di destra”, a favore delle espressioni “religiously motivated violent extremism” and “ideologically motivated violent extremism”. Ascolta il commento di Matteo Vergani, Senior Research Fellow e Senior Lecturer in Sociology presso l’Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation.

16 March 2021.

White supremacism in Australia. ABC Radio Adelaide.

Dr Matteo Vergani talks about the risk of white supremacy in Australia in the program Evenings with Peter Goers.

3 February 2021.

È vietato inneggiare a Hitler in Australia? SBS Italian radio.

Un gruppo di una ventina di neonazisti in bassa montagna ha disturbato la quiete dei campeggiatori nei Grampians con un raduno a base di cori suprematisti e saluti di stampo nazista. Nonostante le denunce e le preoccupazioni dei locali la polizia non è intervenuta, dichiarando che non è stata infranta alcuna legge. Matteo Vergani, ricercatore dell’Alfred Deakin Institute di Melbourne ed esperto di terrorismo e crimini d’odio, ha spiegato che In Australia, queste persone non commettono un reato a meno che nei loro slogan non incitino violenza su base religiosa o razziale.

30 January 2021.

Fighting the far-right. ABC Radio National

Authorities are being urged to take further action against far right groups after a gathering of the National Socialist Network in Victoria’s Grampians national park. But can we fight those organisations, when some politicians echo their views?

11 December 2020.

Growing concern about threat of right-wing extremism. ABC News podcast.

It’s been a week when the threat of right wing extremism has been front and centre. In southern New South Wales, an 18-year-old man is facing terrorism-related charges. In New Zealand, the Royal Commission into the Christchurch massacre has found gaps in the monitoring of right-wing extremism, and in Canberra, the Federal Government has announced an inquiry into the threat posed by right-wing terrorists. Matteo Vergani, hate speech and violent extremism expert, Deakin University.


La Nuova Zelanda si scusa per l’attacco alla moschea di Christchurch. SBS Italian podcast and article.

“L’obiettivo del rapporto era capire cosa sia andato storto e se si poteva prevenire”, ha spiegato Matteo Vergani, ricercatore della Deakin University di Melbourne ed esperto di terrorismo e crimini d’odio, “Sono state sottolineate diverse lacune dei servizi di sicurezza della Nuova Zelanda, lacune legislative, ma la natura di questo attentato, condotto da una persona sola senza contatti e utilizzando armi acquistate legalmente ci dice che probabilmente non sarebbero riusciti a prevenirlo comunque”.


10 October 2020.

The right to asylum exists regardless of whether the refugees come by plane or by boat. SBS German podcast.

Rouven Link from Flensburg has lived in Australia since 2016. He came to Melbourne to study Australia’s refugee policy – and decided to stay on. Now he has published a new research report at Deakin University, the first of its kind, on “Tackling Hate in Australia: Stocktake 2019-2020”.

9 September 2020.

En Australia los delitos de odio contra inmigrantes y otras minorías se mantienen “silenciosos”. SBS Spanish podcast.

La encuesta elaborada por el Alfred Deakin Institute muestra que sólo el 38% de víctimas de delitos de odio formaliza su denuncia ante policía o entorno. La Doctora Carolina Navarro, miembro del Alfred Deakin Institute y profesora en la Universidad de Chile es co-autora del informe. La investigadora destaca que aunque las personas más vulnerables en Victoria tienen conciencia de que cuando sufren situación de odio, deben denunciarlo, cuando se les pregunta por situaciones personales “los datos son preocupantes”.

16 July 2020.

Gli abusi e le discriminazioni in aumento nell’Australia del coronavirus. SBS Italian podcast.

Matteo Vergani, Senior Research Fellow del CRIS – Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Society dell’Alfred Deakin Institute, racconta a SBS Italian perché è necessario un registro nazionale degli “hate crimes”.

16 June 2020.

Research looks at hate crimes reported by Sikhs in Victoria. SBS Online.

“Beyond race and ethnicity, the Sikh community has double the risk of victimisation” when it comes to hate crimes and discrimination, says a Melbourne-based researcher.

14 June 2020.

Why Australia’s spies think the far right could find a foothold during coronavirus. ABC Podcast.

ASIO briefing warns that the far-right is exploiting coronavirus to recruit new members. ABC News.

Deakin University’s Matteo Vergani, an expert in countering militant extremism and hate crime in Australia, said COVID-19 has created fertile ground for extremists to spread their rhetoric.